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  • STructural stABiLity risk assessment, Acronym: STABLE, proposal number: 123456,  MSCA Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE), H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018, Grant Agreement start date 01.11.2018, with participation of Greek Partners : GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS SA & FOUNDATION FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY HELLAS. Official website: https://www.stable-project.eu
  • H2020: Development of a Support System for Improved Resilience and Sustainable Urban areas to cope with Climate Change and Extreme Events based on GEOSS and Advanced Modelling Tools (GA 101003517), Official website: http://harmonia-project.eu/, the monitoring includes the Municipality of Pireaus.
  • GSRT funding : PROION : Continuous monitoring of the environment and infrastructure in the tectonically and seismically active area of ​​the Greek “SuperSite” (Corinthian, Ionian Islands, etc.). Official website: https://proion-hellas.eu/index.php/en/home-2/
  • Surface deformation assessment in the wider region of the Gulf of Corinth through permanent scatterers interferometry (PSI). Harokopeio University, Prof. I. Parcharidis, project funded by EPPO, 2021-2022.
  • Analysis of surface deformations from GNSS data in the area of the Gulf of Corinth. National Technical University of Athens, Prof. M. Tsakiri,  project funded by EPPO, 2021-2022